Monday, 27 April 2009

Concept Sci-fi Issue #5 now out!

(LGT magazine's home page, where you can download the 'zine for free!)

From their newsletter:
In this issue, you can find short fiction from Lawrence Buentello, Dylan Fox and Jonathan Lowe, plus an interview with Lou Anders from Pyr SF, Andrew Males' /88 Miles Per Hour/ Column and the next article in [editor Gary Reynold's] "Beginning Writing" series which this time focuses on controlling the pace and flow of your fiction.

One of those names looks familiar...

It's amazing to see Mind Games along side all those other pieces, treated like it's an actual piece of fiction and not something that I made up on my computer.  I hope I never lose this painful embarrassment-cum-joy I get when I see one of my pieces in print.  The six-year-old me who wanted to be a writer more than anything else in the world is so proud right now.


Journeymouse said...

Oddly enough, it read like a proper story, too ;)

Foxie said...

I'm so glad you thought so! Glad you liked it, too. I'm very flattered.